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The Core Guide to Crushing Remote Work

Who would’ve thought we’d be pros at this remote work game? But here we are, and we’ve got the inside scoop on how to make it work without losing your sanity. So grab your favorite snack and let’s dive into the world of remote work, Core-style.



Find your Cosy Corner

Alright, first things first—let’s talk about your workspace. We get it; the couch is tempting, but try to carve out a little nook for your work. It doesn’t have to be fancy; just make it your own.

Schedule, but make it chill

Having a routine is cool, but we’re not setting military-grade schedules here. Find what works for you and stick to it. No need to turn into a robot; we’re all about that work-life blend.

Beautiful afro-american woman having a video conference with workwear up and pajamas bottom at home

Dress up (or not, no judgement)

We’re not saying ditch the pajamas entirely (we love a good PJ day), but changing out of them can signal the start of your workday. Your call – we’re a judgment-free zone.

Talk it out

Communication is our secret sauce. Slack, Zoom, whatever floats your boat—just keep the convo flowing. We might be scattered, but we’re still a tight-knit crew.

Break time all the time

Breaks are your BFF. Seriously, don’t skip ’em. Stretch, dance, or take a power nap. It’s like hitting the refresh button for your brain.

Family and friend boundaries

Set the record straight with your fam and friends. Let them know when you’re in work mode and when you’re up for a chat. It’s all about finding that sweet balance.

Tech tools for the win

Tech is here to make life easier. Dive into project management tools or time trackers—they’re like our virtual sidekicks.

Over communicate, but keep it chill

No need for fancy words; just keep the team in the loop. What you’re up to, what’s bugging you—let it all out. We’re in this together.

Clock out, Seriously

Ending your workday is a thing. Resist the urge to check emails at midnight. Your couch and Netflix are calling.

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